Protesting or demanding death penalty for blasphemy against the Prophet contradicts the core principles of Islam. Islam advocates responding to ideas with ideas, encouraging Muslims
The Seeker's Guide - Pocket Edition
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The Seeker's Guide - Pocket Edition
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Islam As It Is
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Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, a renowned Islamic thinker and scholar, presents the fundaments teachings of Islam in a manner, which will appeal directly to both general readers and students of Islam. Simple and straight forward in style, this book gives the reader an accurate and comprehensive picture of Islam--the true religion of submission to God.
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Shatm-E-Rasool ka Masla (The Issue of Blasphemy)
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Protesting or demanding death penalty for blasphemy against the Prophet contradicts the core principles of Islam. Islam advocates responding to ideas with ideas, encouraging Muslims to either ignore blasphemous statements or respond in kind - for instance, by issuing a statement, or a book in response to a book. As the Quran states,'Let harm be requited by an equal harm. But whoever pardons and amends will find his reward with God' (42:40). The book clarifies that blasphemy should be a subject of intellectual discussions, not condemnation, protest or retaliation. In light of the Quran and tradition, it aims to address and correct misconceptions, particularly for those seeking deeper understanding.
Yaksan Civil Code
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Yaksan Civil Code
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Taareekh Dawat-e-Haq
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Taareekh Dawat-e-Haq
Interpretation of Islam
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The Prophet Muhammad, at Gods behest, called men to the worship of one God and proclaimed that, by responding to this call, mankind would achieve true dignity, honour, prosperity and happiness. Within an astonishingly brief period, and over vast areas which were in the grip of ignorance, darkness and confusion were finally dispelled, order was established and all manner of beneficent institutions sprang into life, a high moral order was set up and the blessings of knowledge, learning and science began to be widely diffused. The strength of this message was its crystal clear simplicity and marvelous easiness, for Islam reached out to the soul of the people without having recourse to long explanations or involved sermons. Thanks to this message, bringing the ideals of tauhid, resalat, peace and harmony, paganism in its various forms was defeated, ad human dignity finally became a reality. Islam taught right thinking, proper action and honest speaking, and for these reasons it found its way, without any difficulty, into both the minds and hearts of men